

李晓静(1980-),福建福州人,凝聚态物理博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事低维自旋半导体材料方面的理论研究,研究方法主要是基于有效质量理论和紧束缚近似模型,结合第一性原理计算模型来处理少粒子体系,可以较好地计算较大尺寸的体系。与第一性原理的计算形成互补。在此理论基础上研究载流子的动力学过程,并构造固态量子计算的实验平台,累计发表SCI论文20余篇,第一或通讯作者论文包括国际顶级期刊 Appl.Phys.LettPhysical Review BNanotechnology 等。这些研究成果单篇最高引用达30次。








A. quantum dot:

1)X.J.Li and Kai Chang , Electric-field tuning s-d exchange interaction in quantum dot. Appl. Phys. Lett.92, 071116(2008).

2) X.J.Li, and Kai Chang, Electric-field switching sp-d exchange interaction in coupled quantum dots.  Appl. Phys. Lett.92, 251114(2008).

3) X.J.Li, W. YangKai Chang and J.B.Xia, Spin states in semiconductor quantum dot with a single magnetic ion. Physica E.40, 3097(2008).

4) X.J.Li,  Electric-Field Switching of Exciton Spin Splitting in Asymmetrical Coupled Quantum Dots CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 29, No. 8, 086802 (2012).

5) X.J.Li, K. S. Chan, Electric-Field Switching of Bright and Dark Excitons in Semiconductor Crossed Nanowires. CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 30, No. 1 ,016801(2013) .

6J Li,  W.K. Lou,  D. Zhang,  X. J. Li,  W. Yang, K. Chang, Single- and few-electron states in topological insulator quantum dots , Phy. Rev.B.90, 115303 (2014).

B. black phosphorus:

1)R. Zhang,  Z. H. Wu,  X. J. Li,  K. Chang, Aharonov-Bohm effect in monolayer phosphorene nanorings. Phy. Rev.B.95, 125418 (2017)

2X.J.Li,J H Yu, K Luo, Z H Wu,and W YangTuning electrical and optical anisotropy of a monolayer black phosphorus magnetic superlattice,Nanotechnology.29,174001,(2018).

3)X.J. Li,W Yang,K Luo,and Z.H.Wu, Tunable anisotropic behaviors in phosphorene under periodic potentials in arbitrary directions,Nanotechnology 31 105205,(2020).

4)Z Wang, X.J. Li(通讯作者) and Z.H Wu, Electronic and optical properties of the edge states in phosphorene quantum ringsApplied Surface Science1483172020

5J. Y. Chen , Z WangZ.H. Wu , X.J. Li(通讯作者),Electronic and optical properties of bilayer black phosphorus quantum dotsSolid state comminications1150812023

C. other two-dimension materials:

1)Z Wang,  Z.H. Wu  and  X.J. Li(通讯作者)Electronic and optical properties of monolayer InSe quantum dots, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 36 0950382021



