


  主要从事量子光学与量子信息方面的研究。近年来,在光场量子调控方面的研究取得突破,和合作者在国际上首次提出并实现基于多普勒效应的光学非互易,相关结果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Nature PhotonicsPhysics Review Letters等国际物理学知名刊物上,该工作在光学器件的集成化和小型化方面具有潜在的重要应用,入选2018年度“中国光学十大进展”。






1. 基于原子系统的光量子调控;

2. 腔光力系统的量子特性及其应用研究;

3. 基于腔QED系统量子计算和量子通讯。



1Shicheng Zhang, Yiqi Hu, Gongwei Lin*, Yueping Niu*, Keyu Xia* , Jiangbin Gong and Shangqing GongThermal-motion-induced non-reciprocal quantum optical systemNature Photonics, 1010382018.

2Gongwei Lin,  Shicheng Zhang, Yiqi Hu,  Yueping Niu* , Jiangbin Gong* , and Shangqing Gong* , Nonreciprocal Amplification with Four-Level Hot AtomsPhysics Review Letters 123, 033902 (2019).

3Yu You, Yiqi Hu, Gongwei Lin* Yihong Qi*, Yueping Niu*, and Shangqing Gong, Quantum nonreciprocity based on electromagnetically induced transparency in chiralquantum optical systems,  Physical Review A, 103, 063706 (2021).

4Shicheng Zhang#, Gongwei Lin # , Yiqi Hu, Yihong Qi, Yueping Niu* and Shangqing GongCavity-Free Circulator with Low Insertion Loss Using Hot Atoms , Physics Review Applied  14, 024032 2020.

5Yiqi Hu, Shangcheng Zhang, Xinyi Kuang, Yihong Qi, Gongwei Lin*, Shangqing Gong*, and Yueping Niu * Reconfigurable nonreciprocity with low insertion loss using a simple two-level system, Optics Express 28, 26 2020.

6Yiqi Hu , Shicheng Zhang, Yihong Qi, Gongwei Lin*, Yueping Niu* , and Shangqing Gong*Multiwavelength Magnetic-Free Optical Isolator by Optical Pumping in Warm Atoms, Physics Review Applied 12, 054004 2019.

7Gongwei Lin*Yihong QiXiumin LinYueping Niu* Shangqing Gong*Strong photon blockade with intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency in a blockaded Rydberg ensemblePhysics Review A920438422015.

8G. W. Lin*Gong, JiangbinYang, J.Qi, Y. H.Lin, X. M.Niu, Y. P.Gong, S. Q. Q.Optical cavity quantum electrodynamics with dark-state PolaritonsPhysical Review A, 89(4),  0438152014

9L. LiangG. W. Lin*Y. M. HaoY. P. Niu*S. Q. Gong*, Quantum nondemolition  measurement of small photon numbers using stored light, Physical Review A, 90(5), 055801, 2014

10G. W. Lin, X. B. Zou*, X. M. Lin, and G. C. Guo, Scalable, high-speed one-way quantum computer in coupled-cavity arrays, Applied Physics Letters 95(22), 224102 (2009).

11G. W. Lin, X. B. Zou*, X. M. Lin, and G. C. Guo, Heralded quantum memory for single-photon polarization qubits, Europhysics Letters 86(3), 30006 (2009).

12Gong-Wei Lin, Xu-Bo Zou*, Xiu-Min Lin, and Guang-Can Guo, Robust and fast geometric quantum computation with multiqubit gates in cavity QED, Physical Review A 79(6), 064303 (2009).

13Gong-Wei Lin, Xu-Bo Zou*, Xiu-Min Lin, and Guang-Can Guo, Long-distance quantum communication with individual atoms and atomic ensembles, Physical Review A 79(4), 042332 (2009).

14Gong-Wei Lin, Xu-Bo Zou*, Ming-Yong Ye, Xiu-Min Lin*, and Guang-Can Guo, Scheme for tunable quantum phase gate and effective preparation of graph-state entanglement, Physical Review A 77(3), 032308 (2008).

15Gong-Wei Lin, Xu-Bo Zou*, Ming-Yong Ye, Xiu-Min Lin*, and Guang-Can Guo, Quantum SWAP gate in an optical cavity with an atomic cloud, Physical Review A 77(6), 064301 (2008).

16Gong-Wei Lin, Ming-Yong Ye, Li-Bo Chen, Qian-Hua Du, and Xiu-Min Lin*, Generation of the singlet state for three atoms in cavity QED, Physical Review A 76(1), 014308 (2007).



1、上海市自然科学基金探索类项目,手性量子系统的量子特性及其在量子相干调控中的运用研究,  2018/06-2021/05 20万元,主持;



4、中国博士后科学基金(一等) , 基于光与微腔阵列的量子网络,2012/01-2013/12,  5万元,主持;

5、国家自然科学重点项目, 非互易光场传输的新原理及应用, 2021/01-2025/12, 305万元,  参与; 
